White Boxes

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White Boxes

Packaging: Similar to brown boxes, white boxes could refer to packaging materials. Companies may use white cardboard boxes for shipping or storing products. These boxes may be plain white or have printed labels and branding.

Electronic Devices: In the technology industry, “white boxes” might be used to describe generic or unbranded electronic devices. For example, white box servers are unbranded or generic servers that are assembled using off-the-shelf components.

Footwear: In the context of shoes, “white boxes” may refer to plain or unbranded shoe boxes that are typically colored white. Shoe manufacturers often use plain boxes for shipping or retail packaging.

Generic Products: The term could be used more broadly to refer to products or items that are unbranded or have minimal branding. This might include generic or store-brand products.

Software Packaging: In software development, a “white box” can refer to a type of testing known as white-box testing. This involves examining the internal structure or code of a software application.

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